Founding Member
$999 / Year
FREE access for 2 months included
Access to an indoor/outdoor working space
Access to private individual meeting room
Access to brain break station
Access to snacks and beverages
Notary on site
Mobile services such as barber, car wash, massage therapist, nail tech and more
Opportunity to support local artists and small business owners
Opportunity to participate in workshops and professional learning opportunities
Founding Member VIP
$1,499 / Year
FREE access for 2 months included
Access to an indoor/outdoor working space
Access to private individual meeting room
Access to brain break station
Access to snacks and beverages
Notary on site
Mobile services such as barber, car wash, massage therapist, nail tech and more
Opportunity to support local artists and small business owners
Opportunity to participate in workshops and professional learning opportunities
Access to host your own events 4x/year (after co-working hours)
Access to host your own workshops 10x/year (during co-working hours)